Blue Diablo (Corine Solomon Series #1)

Blue Diablo - Ann Aguirre 2.75 stars. This is hard for me to review. I like the world aguirre created. The characters were interesting. Her writing about living in Mexico and then living on the border was realistic. I enjoyed the mixture in of Mexican culture. But I wasn't engaged in the story and I was bored during the last quarter of the book. I ultimately skimmed the last 40 pages. The dynamic between Corine and Chance was intriguing at first but Corine was so darned immature about relationships and I thought she was downright mean to Chance. Additionally, Chance was not that appealing. The back and forth between Chance and Corine was very annoying. Interesting at first but with no progression in the story and the immaturity of Corrine it got old. The heroine Corine is different than a typical heroine. Th story of her mother and background was really interesting. But the overall story was so boring and slow I do not know if I would reommend this book. I am not sure if I will keep reading the series. For more on this series check out Badass Book Reviews