Earth Abides

Earth Abides - George R. Stewart I did not finsih this book, but I loved it up through 60%. This book details a post apocalpytic event that wipes out a huge portion of the world's population and destroys civilization. The internal dialogue of the main character is fantastic, very interesting. Through the post apocaplyptic event and post maybe 20 years I would give this book 5 stars. The racial and gender commentary was bothersome, yet I do feel like the author was attempting to overcome racial stereotypes and break free of America's racial beliefs that existed in the late 1940s. As to the gender comments, I do not think the author was attempting to overcome his biased beliefs but instead find a special place that women and men each occupied because of their biological differences. Irritating, but I am willing to figure an author writing in the 1940s this bias. The reason I am stopping is that I find it very aggrivating that after 21 years the tribe is just scavangers. Really not even domesticating cattle or chicken of which there are plenty? Not able to start a bon fire on their own without wood from a lumbard yard and matches? I loved how the author detailed how people could surivive in the remains of a large US city, I just find it unbelievable that a group of people who be so apathetic and unmotivated especially when they keep reproducing like these folks do.Great book even with my criticisms, I would defintiely recommend the first 60%. Even though I am stopping here, I do not feel like I am missing out on anything. I listened to the audio, the narration is very good.