Fallen from Grace

Fallen from Grace - Laura Leone Ignore the cover of this book. The various covers are all equally horrible and do not give the reader any indication what this book is about. Ignore the title, nobody in this book fell from grace, so again the title tells the reader nothing. Despite the title and the cover, this book is a solid contemporary romance novel. If you like witty dialogue, a slow building romance which develops out of a friendship and books that touch on social issues in an intelligent way, then you will enjoy Fallen From Grace. I started this book on Friday afternoon around 3:00 pm and finished by 2:00 am -- reading in stolen moments from my family. It pulled me in and I did not want to put it down. I laughed, I stressed, I was happy this book effected me at all levels. Fallen From Grace deals intelligently with past sexual abuse, family problems and sexual orientation issues and never ever does it glamorize prostitution -- which surprised me. The book is sexy and romantic and fun, but fairly intelligent. I highly recommend it for readers who enjoy contemporary romance novels.